My natural tendency in life was always to “do more.” Working with Gary helped me refocus and detach what I do from who I am, enabling me to “be more” and feel deep satisfaction during the journey to reaching my goals.
I sought out Gary because I decided to run the Athens Marathon and wanted to enjoy the journey getting there. I had also transitioned careers and opened up my own business, stretching myself into unknown territory.
Gary worked with me on refining my values to lead to greater fulfilment, on my own terms, both during runs and during life. Creating a clear picture of my ideal self, which was to feel like Super Mom- a woman who played with her kids, carved out time for herself, maintained a work-life balance and understood that she had it in her to be greater and braver than she believed herself to be.
We identified the inner blocks that popped up along the way and dispelled the negative thoughts from my inner critic. Gary challenged me to use my values as a yardstick, not a beating stick, and to celebrate my accomplishments.
What I appreciated most about Gary was his natural way of putting me at ease and his amazing ability to sift through all the words I threw at him to identify exactly how I was feeling. For those who want to stretch themselves to be greater and braver than they currently are, I couldn’t recommend Gary more!